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tv   Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX News  May 28, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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i loved being in front of that attack chopper you saw. we met all sorts of servicemen and women liz: we'll be back next weekend. happy memorial day. chris: i'm chris wallace. keeping america safe after the terror attack in england. what steps is the government taking this memorial day weekend? >> it's a constant threat and we always have to be vigilant. chris: we'll discuss the investigation into the bombing and the response in the u.s. the secretary of homeland security, general john kelly live only on "fox news sunday." new reports the president's son-in-law jared kushner discussed setting up a secret communications channel between the trump transition and the kremlin. we'll ask our panel where this
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takes the expanding probe into russian interest force. president trump returns from his first trip overseas to a domestic agenda in trouble. some on capitol hill wonder whether quong will pass anything. >> this is a step backwards. you won't make america great again with this budget. chris: we'll break down the prospect with the number two democrat in the senate dick durbin and republican senator bill cassidy. our power player of the week. flying high with the blue angels. all right now on "fox news sunday." hello again on this memorial day weekend from fox news in washington. president trump is back at the white house, arriving late last night after a largely successful nine-day trip to the middle east
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and europe. but he returns to a spreading scandal about links between the kremlin and some of his current and former visors and to a domestic agenda that stalled in congress. we'll get to all of that this hour, but we begin with terror. that suicide bombing at a concert in manchester, england that killed 22. joining us now the man in charge of keeping america safe. the secretary of homeland security, general john kelly. welcome to "fox news sunday." let me ask you about the hot story in washington. these revelations about jared kushner trying to set up some kind of back channel to the kremlin through the soviet and the russian ambassador. your reaction to that. is there anything improper with that? secretary kelly: i don't know if it's true or not. i know it's being reported in the bless. chris: it has been confirmed to
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me the conversation took place. secretary kelly: i think any channel of communication back or otherwise with a country like russia is a good thing. there are multiple ways to communicate back and forth is a good thing with any country, i think, particularly a country like russia. so it doesn't bother me. you just have to assume, obviously, what you are getting may or may not be true, they may be working you. but that's the whole point. that communication goes into the white house as a data point in terms of discussion. i don't see a big deal. chris: you say you don't see a big deal? secretary kelly: any time you have channels of communication with a country, particularly one like russia, i wouldn't criticize it. chris: you talked about a data point into the white house. this was during the transition. these are private officials.
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we have one president at a time. secretary kelly: obviously during the transition people, the incoming trump administration is not in a position to do anything to inhibit what the obama administration literally days before the transition out. so again as they begin to build relationships, there is nothing wrong with that. as they build their own situational awareness, with russia in this case. i don't see an issue here. chris: let's turn to your day job. what's the latest on the manchester bombing. have they rolled up the network supporting the bomber and what have you learned from this plot that will help you better protect the u.s. homeland? secretary kelly: i can't comment on whether they finished their investigations or completed rolling up on the network that we are dealing with. but i would say this is -- i said it's times it's a generational struggle.
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this is one tragedy in line with dozen of other tragedies in the world. last week you had manchester, egypt, indonesia, and the philippines, all isis inspired or isis controlled terror attacks. chris: is there something different about this network and the way this was pulled off that says we have to up our game? secretary kelly: in my view there are three times of terrorist attacks. the most sophisticated is against aviation. it's the hardest to do but the bigfest payoff for these -- the busiest payoff for these -- it's the bigest payoff for these people. then you have the low tend where you have people running people over in trucks and that sort of thing. and just as tragic. but this is the way terrorism is
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and it will be around for many, many years to come. the officials in the united kingdom europe and around the world are just as relentless in trying to prevent these things as the terrorists are in trying to create them. for our country we have not had an outside the u.s. attack since 9/11. that's d.o.d., c.i.a., and those who fight the home game, dhs, and the local law enforcement. chris: part of the story was the leak of information about the bomb and the bomb that made its way into the u.s. media and that set off this exchange. >> it appears that intelligence shared between our law enforcement agencies must reeve
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main the ask secure. >> we take full responsibility for that and obviously regret that that happened. chris: how was this kinds of sensitive information leaked to the new york times and general, why is it that whether it's politics or terror, our intelligence agencies, our law enforcement agencies can't keep a secret. secretary kelly: it's outrageous. i called my counter part in the u.k. and offered my col dole edges. it's the third time i offered my condolences in 120 days. that's how frequent these terrorist attacks are happening. she rightfully and a graciously accepted the condolences then leaned into me on this leak it's outrageous. i don't know why people do it. it jeopardizes investigation and puts people's lives in jeopardy. i don't know why people do it.
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but they do. and that's the world we live in. kp. chris: there are a lot of crowded events in summer. concerts, sporting events. how do you harden these soft targets like this concert was. this person get into the events. he was outside the event. what do you do about perimeters? secretary kelly: we are a free and open society and i wouldn't change that at all. but that's also one of our vulnerabilities. people can live their lives day in and day out. privacy issues. it's what america is all about. but as i say, that is a vulnerability. the good news is to all americans, that local, state law enforcement today, not to even go down the issue of the f.b.i., dhs.
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it's in their dna to harden. and we are just about as hard as we can be. i don't know if there is a way to prevent these kinds of things the society we live in. chris: i want the play a clip of your testimony before congress this week. here it is. kel require's everywhere -- secretary kelly: it's everywhere. as horrible as manchester was, my expectation is we'll see a lot more of that kind of attack. chris: here in the u.s.? kel rr?secretary kelly: we haves all the time but right now no specific threat. but that goes to the fact that we are over here and not over there. as at caliphate is being destroyed in syria and iraq, there are large numbers of returning fighters in western
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europe, and in many cases like this, like this guy that did this thing in manchester, he's a citizen of the u.k. in this case. he's a passport holder. i don't know if the u.k. had any idea that he was outside -- he was in libya, but i think he also traveled to other points. the point is, they have a real threat that's growing as fighters come back from the caliphate. i believe there will be more of this kinds of thing. the good news is all decent people, all decent governments, it doesn't matter if we are politically close to them, all governments for the most part are sharing tremendous amounts of information, passport-time information. aviation travel information. but people like this are below the radar. chris: i want to pick up on aviation. you are in the process of making big decisions on aviation.
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are you going to ban laptops from the cabin on all international flights into and out of the u.s.? secretary kelly: i might. that's a quick answer. chris: expand a little bit. secretary kelly: there is a real threat. there are numerous threats against sav -- against aviation. knocking down an airplane in flight, particularly if it's a u.s. carrier. it's real. i implemented on the 21st of march a restriction on large electronic device in the cabins from 10 points of origin. chris: when you say you might, when will you make that decision? secretary kelly: we are working incredibly close with friends and partners around the world.
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we are going to and in the process of defining this. but we'll raise the bar for generally speaking aviation security much higher than it is now. so there are new technologies not too far down the road that we'll rely on. but it's a real sophisticated threat. and i will reserve that decision until we see where it's going. chris: the tsa is testing tighter screening of carry-ons, and the idea people who bring their carry-ons will have to unpack them and put food in one bin and electronics and paper in another bin. will you spread that nationwide and what will that do to screening lines? secretary kelly: t.s.a. works for me. the reason we have done that is because of people trying to
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avoid the $25 or $50 to check a bag are now stuffing their carry-on bags to the point of they can't get any more in there. the more you stuff in there, the less the t.s.a. professionals looking at what's in those bags, they can't tell what's in the bags any mormore. chris: are you going to do that nationwide? secretary kelly: we might. chris: soon? secretary kelly: we are work out the procedures to find out how to do that with the least amount of inconvenience to the traveler. chris: the 4th circuit coast appeals issued a ruling continuing the stay on president trump's revised travel ban. the chief judge called the revised travel ban that an executive order that speaks in
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vague words of national security but in context with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination. judge after judge says this is a muslim ban that violates the constitution. secretary kelly: they are dead wrong. chris: you say that. but they are the ones -- secretary kelly: they are wrong. remember the 7 now 6 countries, these are the countries identified by the obama administration that we should be cautious about, and backed up by the united states congress. so that's where those 7 countries came from. in those countries we have very little ability to actually verify, vet the people coming out of those countries. so with the president debit's not a travel ban, it's a travel pause. the president said for 90 days we were going to pause in terms of people from those countries coming into the united states
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that would give me time to look at additional vetting. chris: i want to pick up on that. i want to put some numbers on. the first zuttive order that -- the first executive order band citizens from 7 nations from entering the u.s. for 0 days. suspended -- for 90 days and suspended refugees for 120 days. it's been over 120 days so why don't you have the extreme vetting in place. secretary kelly: we are not even studying what would be procedures because we are enjoined and can't do that. chris: you can't study extreme vetting? secretary kelly: we can't study
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it, but just guessing in implementing. we'll implement ways to determine who an individual is. most of these countries have no passport, they have no police, they have no intelligence. many of the countries in question don't even have a u.s. embassy there to help us vet. the u.n. will tell you it's almost impossible to vet people from these countries. we have to figure out a way to determine who they are and why they are coming to the united states. otherwise we are guessing. and this president and john kelly doesn't want to guess when it comes to national security and at protection of the u.s. population. chris: secretary kelly thank you the for sharing part of your holiday weekend with us. up next reports that jared kushner attempted to set up a back panel between russia and the trump transition. what would you like to ask the
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panel about the continuous leaks in washington. we may use your question. asmy family tree,ing i discovered a woman named marianne gaspard... it was her french name. then she came to louisiana as a slave. i became curious where in africa she was from. so i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. the ancestry dna results were really specific. they told me all of these places in west africa. i feel really proud of my lineage, and i feel really proud of my ancestry. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story, get started for free at
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michael needham, gerald post and gillian turner. just to catch you up, president trump returns home to reports that his son-in-law met with the russian ambassador in december and they discussed setting up a secret secure channel between the trump transition and the kremlin. that communications link reportedly to be based in a russian facility. a source close to the administration tells me the conversation did take place, but he says it was the ambassador who proposed the back channel not kushner so they could talk about syria and the secure link was never set up. with that as a preface, your reaction to the kushner story and how does this complicate the already complicated investigation of links between
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the kremlin and the trump transition. >> back channels are not unusual or unprecedented. this one might have seemed perfectly innocent. but it happened during the transition and it seems to violate the only one president at a time rule. and the second is it's russia. after a campaign where russian interference in the campaign was a big issue. and the fact it was at a time when people were looking for whether there would be signs of special favors to russia as a result of the help they might have given president trump during the campaign. chris: michael, i want to ask whether it's a big story and secondly the talk about major changes in the white house. will they set up a rapid response operation to deal with
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the incoming leaks that the president hired? at least one criminal defense lawyer and maybe in the process of hiring a team, and that his staff is urging the president to let the lawyers vet his tweets. it does sounds like they are going on a war footing on this. michael: i don't know if it's a major story. there are several investigation going on. it's exhausting reading these news stories. it's smart for the administration to put these things aside and have another team that looks at policy issues. chris: what do you think of the kushner story? at the very least it seems dumb. michael: clearly the optics of it are awful. when you have people new to the political is tomorrow coming in.
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mike flynn probably didn't show the best judgment, dumb might be the good word for it. kushner said a few weeks ago he's happy to participate with the senate investigation. you are at a disadvantage when you are the focus of an investigation and your lawyers are saying don't comment and everybody else in the country seems eager to talk about it. prudence keeping our mouths shut while the investigations play out is fair. chris: you talked about there are all these stories and it's hard to remember what you heard last week. i asked our staff to put together -- let's put it up on the screen, a list of the headlines from just the last two weeks. this is just sunday two weeks ago until today. you can see there has been a torrent of disclosures from intelligence and law enforcement officials.
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gillian, as someone who worked in the government, have you ever seen anything like this? the conservatives talk about a deep state. that there are people embed in law enforcement and the intelligence community that are trying to bring this president down. it sure seems like the many spreading. gillian: on the question of leaks, without a doubt leaks of classified information today are the number one threat to u.s. national security interests across the globe. i think for evidence of that we need look no further than the public reprimand the united states had to endure from britain in the wake of the manchester attack. a reminder the british u.s. intelligence cooperation relationship is one of the closest that has ever existed in my lifetime in government and policy, i have note seen something so public. chris: most of these leaks don't involve national security, they are about trump's political security. gillian: this gets to the
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question of the deep state. i'm somebody who likes to push back against that narrative, having been a civil servant in the government. in the national security community it's different than the rest of the political policy community. but from what i have seen from experience it does not exist. there isn't a liberal core of people -- put it this way, chris -- more than 50% of the federal workforce today is made up of people that joined the government prior to president bush's tenure in office. so the fact that they are obama holdovers is not true. when we talk about why individuals leak information the explanations are as varied as human being psychology. some of the leaks we see from the president are being leaked by staff to hurt one another. chris: we asked for questions for the panel and we got
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different reactions in the this question of leaks. audrey sent this on facebook. do bissel business of -- do whistleblowers play a vital role in holding those in power to accountability? and why can't they find the leakers? chuck: as a member of the press and believer in the role of the media in holding government accountable. i'm not going to come out against leaks. for all the leaks that may cause this or that official trouble, there is going to be another one that does play an important role in account build. part of the reason these leaks are flowing is the struggle within this administration. we have a famous dispute between
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ban none anbetween -- bannon anr that was papered over. and this goes to your point about the staff shakeup and so on and so forth. you can shake up the staff all you want. but if the man at the top is not laying out a clear and consistent line. is not himself modeling behavior by not blowing an israeli source in a meeting with a foreign government that sets the tone that this stuff is not really on, then it will continue. >> to your point about the responsibility of the press. leaks require a responsible press also. james fowler of "the mid-atlantic" put together the washington post and the washington times and how they treat three unnamed sources in the white house. this is not an you are gentle story.
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i don't see you see in the "times" and the "washington post," they are using leakers to unearth the truth. chris: let me simply say we are just receiving the information. it's people who have sworn oftentimes, taken legal oaths not to divulge the information. we are just re-sip cents. we have to take a break. when we come back senators dick durbin and bill cassidy. hey, need fast heartburn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster.
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chris: a look outside the beltway as the indianapolis motor speedway home to this weekend's indianapolis 500. president trump's focus will shift to his domestic agenda. his new budget in a bill to repeal and replace obamacare. the senate's number two republican dick durbin and bill cassidy. this weekend the jared kushner story and discussions about setting up a possible back channel with russia. senator durbin, let's run with that.
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senator durbin: the bottom line is we have a special counsel in bob mueller. i have the highest level of confidence in him. i hope he will follow all the evidence, leads and suggestions. chris: do you have any specific comment about the kushner conversation and whether he should keep his security clearance? senator durbin: of course not. this is a rumor. and whether it's something that should be followed up on, i'll trust bob mueller's judgment. chris: senator castle difficult are you troubled by this. senator cassidy: i agree with senator durbin's assessment. people at home are more concerned about better jobs and healthcare with better benefits. chris: then let's switch to healthcare. the congressional budget office, non-partisan released its scoafort house bill this week.
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let's put the numbers up on the screen. it would reduce the deficit $119 billion over 10 years. but 13 million fewer people would be insured by 2026. and the cost for a 27-year-old would increase. this what snore schumer said. >> unless you are a healthy millionaire, trump care is a night ware. this ought to be the final nail in the coffin of the republicans' evident to sabotage our healthcare system. senator durbin: the senate will write its own bill. there are families sitting around their kitchen table paying $20,000 or more for premiums and there is about to
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be a 40% increase in those premiums. with that said, i think it should be a place we go and those families are asking us to address this issue. chris: how should americans regard the house bill? senator cassidy: the senate will have its own bill. chris: i know you are going to say there are problems with repeal and replace, but obamacare has its own problems. you heard senator cassidy mention some of them. blue cross and blue shield announced it lost $100 million through 2016. that means in 25 county in western missouri they may have no insurer at all. doesn't something have to be done? senator durbin: it should be.
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first we ought to have an administration that support our healthcare system. the trump administration has found ways to cut off support. lack of advertising to bring new people on board so we have larger insurance pools and lower premiums. we have to have an effort made to sustain the current system while we repair it. we shouldn't be sabotaging it. chris: when blue cross-blue shield of kansas city says they lost $100 million prince 2016, you can't blame that on trump, he wasn't president. senator durbin: the system isn't perfect, it isn't. i voted for it. it needs to be repaired. i think bill cass dane susan collins are willing to deal with that in a constructive fashion. i'm sorry the two of them are
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not in the room to come up with the republican plan. chris: let me bring senator cassidy back. let's talk about susan collins, the republican snore from maine and the cassidy plan. here are some of the highlights. keep most obamacare taxes to pay for a replacement. instead of an individual mandate that would end. auto enroll people in insurance so they have to opt out, not opt in and let states keep most of obamacare if they want it's an interesting plan. but some of your more conservative colleagues in the senate who will never go for this. they are already upset saying the house plan leaves too much of obamacare in place. senator cassidy: it's a conservative solution. conservatives think the should return to individual and the states. you can't say you are a conservative and we believe in
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states' rights and then tell states what they cannot do. if a blue state wishes to do a blue thing, god bless them. as a fiscal conservative i think we have to pay for things and balance our budget. we just say the taxes should be addressed in comprehensive tax reform, not piecemealed. cassidy's plan is the conservative solution. chris: have you gotten any buy-in from ted cruz, rand paul and mike lee? and what is the chance that the senate won't pass anything? senator cassidy: i can't speak for those senators you listed. between mike and susan and i there are five republicans who support it. chris: that's 6. you need 44 more. >> of all the the plans out there we have the most support. i say to my friend dick durbin, if we had democrats involved,
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that if we had 25 democrats and 4 republicans it wouldn't be a republic -- and 40 republicans, it would be an american plan. chris: quickly, senator durbin, any democratic buy-in? senator durbin: as long as we take repeal off the table there are a lot of democrats who want to bring a chair to the table. let's sit down with bill cass dane susan collins. i don't agree with many phases of their startup plan, but that should be our national goal. chris: the trump budget was released this week. here are some of the key increases in spending. for the military increase by 10.1%. border security by 6.8%. but epa has 31.4%. and n.i.h., the national institutes of health by 18.2%.
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>> compassion needs to be on both sides of the equation. you have to have compassion for the folks who are paying it. chris: senator durbin, i know you are going to bash the trump budget. but don't we have to cut spend at some point? are we going to just keep piling up the national debt? senator durbin: that's an important question. i don't believe you make america great again by cutting medical research to the lowest level in 12 years. i don't think you make america great again by saying to families it's more expensive for your children to borrow student loans. and cutting back on infrastructure. if we are going to have at priorities. let's look at things that are important for building jobs and opportunity in the future. chris: senator cassidy, how dead
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is the trump budget? senator cassidy: typically and always the senate and house write their own budget. but it does reflect the president's goals. i agree with those goals, but we would take a different approach. medicaid is unsustainable for states and the federal government. but as a physician who worked with medicaid patients, i know the benefit has to be preserved. at the same time fit would reform sow states would not go bankrupt trying to continue the medicaid program. we share the goal. chris: i know you are concerned about the gulf coast and louisiana. are you okay with cutting epa. are you okay with big cuts in n.i.h.? senator cassidy: i think the best way to lower healthcare
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costs is find a cure for alzheimer's. then those folks are not taking a trillion dollars out of our economy for illness. the capital is used for something else. chris: i want to thank you for coming in, especially on this holiday weekend. up next, president trump wraps up his first foreign trip. and his troubles haven't gone away.
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>> we made extraordinary gains on his historic trip to advance the security and prosperity 69 united states, our friends, and our allies. chris: president trump at the end of his first foreign trip
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alwayshimself good reviews, do. gillian, how do you think the president did on this trip and why do you think he seemed to get along so much better with the leader in the middle east than he did with our allies in europe? >> i divide the trip into two parts. the first is going around and touching on the world's major three religions. christianity, judaism, and islam. that part of the trip went relatively well. we had pushback from the media about certain protocol optics like what was donning the heads of melania and ivanka trump, that's fine. the second part of the trip was nato focused. the president's speech got a lot of criticism. but i think the president's administration is focusing on recommitting to the porchts
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alliance and at the back track or progress of the idea that it could become objects lead, which is a good thing for everyone. and they are encouraging the member nations to contribute 2% gdp. he has got a mandate from the american people to push for that, and it's something he's doing it's a nice balance. chris: the saudi part of the trip was largely organized by jared kushner, and people who support him say he was talking to the sunni muslim leaders during the transition and that's why it was such a success. gerald, in contrast to the warm
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in between the president and the royal family of saudi arabia. that contrast smoke volumes. it's true the president got a lot of criticism by not uttering the work, i personally support article 5 in nato. another president with another history who had run a different campaign, that wouldn't be an issue. the europeans feel embattled and nervous with respect to the trump administration. he supported brexit. he spoke warmly about marine le pen. and they were look for the kind of assurance he gave it saudis and i think that will have repercussions going forward. chris: the president returns to a congress that is avid live repeal and replace.
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they rejected this budget we were just talking about with the two senators. some senate republicans are talking about giving you have on healthcare and moving straight to tax reform. >> the american healthcare system is collapsing under obamacare. we need a state of emergency about the healthcare, tax reform and the budget. for 7 years the republican party has told itself a lie. that we were you've knighted on wanting the same ends and repealing obamacare. what you have is legitimate and heartfelt disagreements within the party about the best path forward. the tuesday group in the house which is much more moderate. a force for the status quoa. the healthiest thing that happened is in the house for the first time, the leadership and
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the members acknowledged there are real differences of policy in this party. it isn't good guys and bad guys. they sat down and came up with a coalition form of government and said let's let the states decide. if they want top waive out of obamacare let them. chris: the problem is as you just madder from bill cassidy, they will put that to the side. but they are going to write their own bill. is it possible that wee could get to the end of 2017 this year and a republican-controlled congress will not have passed a single major trump legislative initiative, and if so, what does that mean for prospects for republicans in the 2018 mid-terms. >> it is possible because we are staring down the paths of no easy wins.
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by the fall this congress has to raise the debt ceiling which everyone hates to do. they will have to get republicans votes. everybody hates raising the debt ceiling. so you have a whole series of tough or unpleasant choices before the congress. i think a republican congress will figure out a way to get some of these things done because it's too heavy a lift to go an entire year without anything to show for it. chris: do you think they will pass tax reform? mitch mcconnell says, i don't see how we get to 50. do you think they could punt on that and go to taxes? >> they could walk past health and go to tax reform. mcconnell is a smart guy. he will not walk down a path if there is no way to get the votes. tax reform is something republicans want to do.
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they will not walk out of this town in december without having given that a good try. michael: they need to do both and some of these things are intertwined. and design which wings of the party, which different factions within the party will get what wins where. once they do that, the other thing that has to be considered is the paris climate treaty. what makes it so complicated for the president is it's non-binding. i think he will pull out of the paris accord. he made a specific promise on the campaign trail. and the united states shouldn't stay in a treaty just because it many non-binding. if we don't plan on participating we should pull out. chris: next up our power player of the week.
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the watchwords of this military unit. on this special weekend, that unit is our power player of the week. >> we focus on the very precise control of the airplane and find it to the very best of your ability, your thinking ahead what is next. >> ryan is commander of the blue angels, he is in the number one jet. leading his team through intricate maneuvers and up to 700 miles per hour. in the planes, 18 inches apart. the blue angels were in the area
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to perform at the u.s. naval academy. we got to go inside their operation. >> is there a lot of talking going on? >> there is a lot of talking. as a leader, calling a cadence for every turn, every power change, on that go, all six sticks will move in unison. come to the left a little, pull. >> when all of that gets going, it gets fuzzy. we'll just take on this rhythm. you are fill in the files. >> i am feeling the fuzz. [laughter] >> it is crisp, but it is electric. >> the it started in 56. to keep up interest after world war ii.
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now, they fly f-18 hornets. dozens of show each year for more than 11 million spectators. from a cloudy naval academy, to a crystal-clear san francisco bay. >> i was always going to be a pilot. >> why? >> the blue angels. >> used to goat with his dad to shows in the bay area every summer. >> i was that could that wanted to fly. >> now, he has a nickname. >> they call the flight leader boss. they'll say hey boss, that's great. it works in the we do it on the ground as well. >> at the end of the show the blue angels do a maneuver called the loop right cross. all six planes headed straight up then in six different directions, and the back to the center. >> about 800 knots, just under 1000 miles per hour and it's sweet when we put all that together. you get that synergy and you feel that and you get it going
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and it's sweet, but it's very intense. >> he has phone combat over iraq in of you understand, he complains i compares its operatg an aircraft carrier. he said that's the mission. to represent their fellow servicemembers who are on the frontline. >> it's about the navy and marine corps who are deployed, they are providing us with our freedom. that is the real work. we make people feel something. it is that pride, the pride this country has in our soldiers and marines and we bring that and displayed in a way that people can connect with it. they can see, feel, and touch. that, i think is invaluable. >> the blue angels will be traveling the country the summ summer. if you get a chance to see them in action, it is something you will never forget.
12:00 am
that is it for today. we hope you'll take a moment this weekend to remember all of the men and women who have given their lives defending our freedom. we will see you next fox news sunday. futures." media buzz is up next with howard kurtz. howie: in a week marked by more leaked stories about the russian investigation, president trump getting high marks from the media for this trip. >> he went to muslim world and essentially embraced it. >> a strong trip to saudi arabia, a strong trip to israel. >> i think it's gone very well for the president. i think it was very ambitious, high risk, high reward. bad things could have happened


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